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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tempo Run For Fun

Ah, the joys of a tempo run.  Some (non-runners mostly) would think that the slow run days are the most enjoyable but that's not always the case.  Usually my favorite runs are tempo runs.  Tempo runs are really meant to be run at just below the lactate threshold but I really have to gauge that mostly by feel and by min/mile pace because I've never had my lactate threshold exactly measured in a lab setting.  You'll see a few different definitions of tempo run out there; some give you a heart-rate percentage and others a pace based off of various race distances.  For me that translates to running a pace roughly equal to my 10k race pace (9 min/mile) but for a much shorter distance (2 - 4 miles).  Today I ran 3 miles at that pace.  As you can see, I'm no speed demon.

I suppose the reason I find these tempo runs so enjoyable is that I get the chance to run at a speed I feel is respectable without killing myself in the process.  Once it's all said and done I feel that I've gotten a decent workout in but haven't had to run really fast or for very long in order to do it.  Sort of like a college class in which you know today's class time will only consist of a quiz.  You'll feel like you've put in some effort at the end of it but there's a good chance you'll get out of class early because of it.  Sounds like a win/win to me.

Before indulging in my favorite type of run though, I did a core strength training workout.  I'm on a constant mission to find abdominal exercises that aren't sit-ups as I had to do those in the Army and hated it.  I'm not a fan of crunches either.  I did bite the bullet today though and did some incline sit-ups but the bench wasn't really designed for someone 5'2".  A lot of exercise machines at the gym aren't really designed well for someone my size but I can usually make do after making some adjustments.  The sit-up bench's incline can be adjusted but that doesn't help my legs to fit well under the padded supports at the top of the bench.  Instead of my legs pressing up against the support I'm having to use some leg strength to keep my feet hooked under there in order to avoid rolling ass over tea kettle off the back of the bench.  I'm sure that would be entertaining to others but would likely abruptly end my workout for the day. Somehow, I made it work.

Today's Workout Routine

3 sets of Knee Raises on the Captain's Chair x 15
3 sets of Back Extensions on bench x 20 
2 sets of Side Extensions on bench x 15
3 sets of Incline Sit-ups x 12

Three mile tempo run on the treadmill at about a 9 min/mile pace finishing in 26:30

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