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Monday, December 19, 2011

Small Changes Can Prevent Leg Cramps During Strength Training

So, I'm playing a bit of catch-up in documenting my workouts over the past few days.  To be honest, when I started this blog I didn't intend on using it as a workout log at all and instead just using it to track my running training to see what works and what doesn't and maybe help others that were interesting in running as well.  So, I might not always list my workouts here unless I feel they hold some particular significance to the point I'm trying to make (if there even is a point).

On Saturday I decided to change up the order of my workout.  I planned to do lower body strength training and a 3 mile run on the treadmill.  From previous experience I found that doing the strength training first usually led to my muscles being tight and so I would end up changing my form during the run.  That's not a good thing.  That's how you end up getting injured by twisting your knee or something as a result of unnatural movement.  I also have had the problem of my legs cramping during strength training even if I did some dynamic stretches first.  I figured that my legs just weren't getting loosened up enough beforehand.  On Saturday I did the run first and then did the lower body strength training.  What a difference! I had no problems with leg cramps and I felt the workout was a little easier than it would normally be.  

I also changed up my exercises a little on Saturday.  I tried using the Bosu ball to do body weight squats.  I'm uncoordinated so I figured it'd help with stabilization muscles as well as overall leg strength. I had a few problems keeping my balance but it's the first time I've done that particular exercise so I know I'll improve over time. I also think using the Bosu for squats (without weights) helped to prevent the leg cramps as well.

Saturday December 17 Workout
Treadmill Run - 3 miles in 28:15

Dumbbell Lunges - 3 sets w/ 10 lbs x 10 each side
Bosu Squats - 3 sets x 12
Dumbbell Calf Raises - 3 sets x/ 15 lbs x 10
Step-ups - 3 sets w/ 15 lbs x 10 each side


Today, Monday, I focused on upper body strength training and did that first before going on my run. I tried to cover all the major muscle groups which took me about 30 minutes to do.  I didn't do any different exercises or increase the weight really but I felt much stronger this time around than I did last Monday.

Monday December 19 Workout

Dumbbell Shrugs - 3 sets w/ 20 lbs x 12
Dumbbell Bicep Hammer Curls - 3 sets w/ 15 lbs x 10
Dumbbell Tricep Kick-backs - 3 sets w/ 10 lbs x 8
Dumbbell Chest Press - 3 sets w/ 10 lbs x 10
                                     1 set w/ 15 lbs x 10 (because 10 lbs is really too light but 15 is a little too heavy)
Lat Pull-down - 3 sets w/ 50 lbs x 10

Treadmill Run - 3 miles in 26:45

These past few weeks have been very laid back in terms of workout frequency and length.  I plan on keeping it this way until after the holidays.  I figure I have to be realistic and it wouldn't hurt to have a little extra time for my knees to heal.  Once the New Year rolls around I will definitely have to increase the workouts to at least five per week and increase the run mileage a bit as well.  The large running mileage increase won't happen until Spring though.  By then I should be completely recovered and more than ready to run, run, run!

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