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Monday, December 12, 2011

Strength Training For A Weak Woman

Strength training workouts are proceeding as planned!  Last week, as part of my off-season training, I made sure to concentrate more on strength training.  I did three strength training sessions throughout the week (one upper body, one core, and one lower body focus).  I ran three times during the week for a total of 13 miles and did another cardio session on the elliptical.  I've realized one important thing - I'm weak!  I really need to make sure I get these muscles working this winter.

One thing I find it hard to get away from is the mileage mindset.  I had gotten used to running 30 or 40 miles a week or more while training for the marathon and it feels like I'm hardly running at all when I put in a 13 mile week.  I realize that logically, as long as I'm focusing on cross training and maintaining some running that I'm still going to stay in shape.  I just have this fear that once spring rolls around and I increase my mileage that I will all of the sudden be unable to run.  But, to run 30 miles a week now would sort of be counter-productive to my goals.  I still have a few problem areas that need to fully recover following my first year of running races and I have the aforementioned strength deficit that I need to work on.  But I miss the feeling of accomplishment from those long runs!

I look forward to the day that I can feel as comfortable lifting weights as I do running (to the point where I can give advice to beginning runners).  When I'm on the treadmill or running outside I feel a sense of comfort that comes with doing something familiar.  I may not be particularly fast nor an expert in the field but at least I feel I know a thing or two about running.  When it comes to strength training however, I still feel like a newbie.  I've been doing strength training (to varying degrees) for years now but as I'm weak I usually stick to lighter weights and work on toning.  Now that I'm trying to push myself and deal with weights that are heavy for me, I feel like a wimp.  It doesn't help that I'm struggling to do bicep curls with a 40 pound curl bar while the guy next to me is throwing up an ungodly amount of weight.  Sort of makes my efforts feel insignificant.  I'm glad my gym has a women's only section for just that reason even if I don't always use it (why should I be embarrassed?).  Luckily, I have yet to see a woman of my size throwing up lots of weight.  When I do, I'll have to ask her what her secret is.  

Today's Workout Schedule
 I start all workouts with dynamic stretches before moving into a brief warm-up

Warm-up:  Push-ups (from knees) x 10

3 sets of Dumbbell bench press - 16.5 lbs x 10
3 sets of tricep cable push-down - 50 lbs x 10
3 sets of curl-bar bicep curls - 30 lbs x 10
Should have thrown in some shrugs and/or lat pull-downs as well but was feeling weak. I'll throw that in later in the week when I workout the core.

Ran on the treadmill for 4 miles, varying my pace between 11 min/mile and 8 min/mile with the majority of the run being at a 10 min/mile, and finished in 39 mins

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